The Rare Orgy …

November 10, 2019

… of Blood.

I played V:TES yesterday.  Yup, this has risen to the level of notable gaming activities.

I don’t recall playing since Origins.  Almost five months.  I thought I played like someone who has played for 20+ years rather than someone who hasn’t played in five months.

Game 1 – The Bestest Game

Mark (Hell-for-Leather/Spoils of War) -> Ian (Budapest Breath) -> Alex (borrowed Sea Pirates Redux) -> Sean (Anargh)

Alex hated playing my deck.  Ah, just like old times.  He pretty much gave up after a certain point even though Carlton got Mr. Winthrop, which mattered.  Sean gained control with no predator.  Qawiyya got a late game Matasuntha boost.

Mark’s Jacko kept fighting Agi for some reason.  Agi was Famed, then not Famed later due to a contest.  Agi was Havened multiple times.  Agi never went to torpor.  Jacko went multiple times as I had to decide which prevent cards to use when I Breath of the Dragoned him.  When Mark finally had an Immortal Grapple in hand, he ousted me with Hell-for-Leather due to my not ousting Alex when he was low and I had my one Walk of Caine in hand.

But, this game was fun for me.  My deck did exactly what it was supposed to do:  do absolutely nothing to defend its pool.  That and kept winning fights as long as my minions had Fortitude up until the last round when I finally started choking on masters.

I kept wanting to play Achilles Heel, even was going to play it crosstable, but I was too often too busy as Mark kept rushing me.

The signature play of the day for me was Mark getting Carlton in play, Carlton pesting me some, Agi trying to burn Haven Uncovered, Carlton blocking, playing Starvation of Marena to ensure Carlton (with one blood) was going to explode, and reveling in an Orgy of Blood.  Admittedly, that only gained one blood for Dorka and Viri was full (Zizi might have also been in play and full) in addition to Agi getting some blood back.

This is why I still want to play V:TES.  Not to watch Grinder v Girls v Anson Guns v Legionnaires or whatever passes for a bunch of tournament play.  Orgies are Potage Saint-Germain for the soul.

Game 2 – The Boringest Game

Alex (!Malks fight sometimes) -> Sean (Ondine Sinclair Hell-for-Leather) -> David (Etrius Bleeds) -> Mark (Eze & Friends) -> Ian (!Gangrel w/ Thaum)

While !Gangrel with Thaum is Tier 0 [VPs] ish, I didn’t have a lot to do in this game as Mark called Ancient Influence before I had out a vampire and David didn’t have to work too hard to get me after Etrius eviscerated Mark.  David got 3 VPs, then the game continued for a while.

Admittedly, I got ousted by Crocodile’s Tongue, which is another reason to play V:TES, even though one stealth would have done it just as easily.

Game 3 – The Bleediest Game

Sean (Palla Grande/Undue Influence) -> Ian (Baali of the Name 1.1) -> David (Thing) -> Mark (Fat Santa)

Mark’s game was actually rather rough.  Serenna got eaten and Anarch Convert got Bloodhunted by a Gangrel.  Gangrel saw play.  Sean bled me a bunch of times.  I bled David for a lot.

I had no !Salubri, decrypting multiple times and Effectively Managementing.  One less decrypt and I get at least one VP.  So, Hesha Legally Manipulated.  Giotto discarded what wasn’t worth playing and mostly what wasn’t bleed as he is wont to do and I couldn’t unlock him on the turn I needed a Sense the Sin bleed due to an Anarch Revolt nobody got rid of (I was hoping Mark would get rid of it through ousting Sean, as he got close).

Why do I have this ancient deck built and have had it built for a year or whatever?

Baali of the Name 1.1 is why I play V:TES.  It’s just a weirdly functional deck when it has no reason to be.  It’s weirdly functional when some of the cards in it would never see play anymore due to improved and changed card pool.  It’s even kind of fun to just keep discarding Blessing of the Name while bleeding for 3-5.

Am I now so detorpored out that I’m going to rally the South Bay and see us play some?  No.  I’m old and busy.

I just enjoy playing the game.  Budapest Circle was the first deck I’ve built in ages and does something different from other decks I’ve built.  That’s orgiastic.